Reunicon Farewell Party at Glasgow 2024

Dear member or sponsor of Reunicon 2020, 2021 and ConFiction 1990,


We are very happy to announce we can finally throw our farewell party. We originally intended to have a mini con in 2020 in The Hague and tried again a year later but Covid-19 crossed our path and spoiled the fun. So we refunded memberships but some of you donated the membership to a possible new event or party. And that is finally taking place in Glasgow at the World Science Fiction Convention on Friday, August 9th.

The Farewell Party takes place in Hall 4 of the SEC. We will be located in one of the four party tents and for members and sponsors at 20:00 hours, after 21:00 hours it will be open to the general public!

Come get a free Dutch beer, enjoy Dutch cheese and get a pair of our famous wooden shoes. Just like old times!

Celebrate with us 34 years after ConFiction, share your memories with us. With some luck we may even be able to show a documentary of ConFiction that was compiled by Wim van der Bospoort. Sadly he recently passed away, hence we celebrate his life and that of many others we have lost over the years at Wim’s Bar!

ConFiction/Reunicon Farewell Party at Glasgow 2024

Ad astra Wim

It is with great sadness that we have to let you know, that our dear friend and one of the core co-organizers of ConFiction 1990 (and later Reunicon) Wim van de Bospoort passed away on the 5th of May 2024.

He ran At-con memberships at Glasgow 95, and was 2nd in command for At-con memberships at ConFiction 1990. He worked at numerous conventions, and in the last 15 years created beautiful digital SF and Fantasy art.

He will be missed by us and all of his friends.

Ad astra Wim

Ad Astra Wim van de Bospoort
Once upon a mouse in 1990....

About Confiction 1990

It all started with a phone call from a fan in New York way back in 1984. Then it took three years of bidding to win the race in Brighton in 1987. Another three long years to make ConFiction1990 a fact in The Hague, the second World Science Fiction Convention on the continent of Europe.

We have created this website and social media avenues to preserve the past for the future and… to promote our intended Reunicon 2020 to commemorate 30 years after ConFiction 1990. Not only attendees and supporters from the original convention are welcome, but all science fiction & fantasy fans from all over the world are welcome. And who knows, your visit might ignite a spark in your local fandom and before you know it, you are organising the next Worldcon yourself!

We look forward hearing from you or seeing you in 2020 in The Hague and till then, enjoy the memories we wish to like and follow or share with you all ConFiction1990.


First contact; phone call from New York fan Neil Belsky to initiate possible worldcon in the Netherlands with suggested site Amsterdam.


Formation of bid team with Kees van Toorn, Angélique van Toorn, Johan-Martijn Flaton, Jo Thomas, Larry van der Putte, Annemarie van Ewijk, Roelof Goudriaan and Lynne-Ann Morse.

Suggested site of convention changes from Amsterdam to the Hague after consultation with Dutch Board of Tourism with the Congresgebouw as possible venue, first negotiations with venue and hotels; sponsor deal with KLM for bid.


Busy year with promotion of Holland in 1990 with trips around the world to conventions like Boskone, Saarcon and Eastercon with worldcon in Atlanta as last change to convince fans to vote for Holland in.


First contact with possible GoH candidates, expansion of the team and more promotional tours to spread the word of Holland in 1990. The name ConFiction pops up during one of the committee meetings and will be the name of the convention if the bid is won at the worldcon in Brighton.

A caravan of cars with committee members, loaded with cheese, buttons and beer travels to Brighton where we win the bid and announce our Guests of Honour (GoH): Harry Harrison, Wolfgang Jeschke, Joe Haldeman and  Andrew Porter, with as toastmistress Chelsea Quinn Yarbro.

Another possible GoH who was approached and initially agreed to accept unfortunately died but would he have lived, the name of the convention might have been DuneCon – which would have been appropriate given that this was Frank Herbert and the Hague lies at the sea with beautiful dunes and beaches.


A year of hard work, expanding the committee, setting up a network of agents around the world and going from one to the other convention get support for ConFiction and trying to get as many members as possible.

At NolaCon II our committee members were thrown in front of the lions as the convention there faced complete disaster and failure due to the collapse of the organising committee shorty before the event. The floating worldcon committee stepped in and we were invited to join, work for and at Nolacon which proved to be a valuable learning process.

We publish our first progress reports.


Our team work hard on all fronts, Jo Thomas comes up with first draft of the programme, we ask and get help from both UK, US and fans from all over the world. We organise a first small get to know each other convention and work convention in the Hague, preparing ourselves to work as the “shadow committee” in Boston at Noreascon 3. There we officially become the seated worldcon with just one year to go.

In Germany the Wall comes down, which meant a huge number of fans from the former Eastern European countries gearing up to come to ConFiction in the Hague.


We organise a second work convention at Ockenburg with both US and UK fans to meet the European and Dutch fans; things are falling into place and in August the convention takes place – sadly the war In the Middle East prevents a large number of US fan to come over to Europe, but ConFiction becomes a melting pot with fans from all over the world, busloads full from the former East Block.

With over 3500 members it is the second worldcon on the continent and a huge success.


Progress Report 1 – Winter 1987

Progress Report 1 – Winter 1987

Welcome to Confiction's Progress Report 1, the very first of a series with which you sail right through the years, before anchoring at our destination : ConFiction 1990, the first…
Cover progress report 2 Confiction1990

Progress Report 2 – Autumn 1988

Welcome to Confiction’s Progress Report 2 from Autumn 1988. We have hoisted the sails, for the wind is picking up, as is ConFiction activity.
Cover Progress Report 4 Winter 1989

Progress Report 3 – Summer 1989

In this summer issue we'll take you on a sightseeing tour through The Hague. We even dip into the history in an attempt to give you a real "feeling" about…

Confiction core team

Meet the people who were behind the Confiction 1990 and are now organising the ReUnicon 2020.